Created a couple of posters to promote the movie… this is #2
Author: Arron
Poster One
Created a couple of posters to promote the movie… this is #1
Storyboard Basics
Available for Unreal Engine on Fab Installation The only thing you might need to do is enable the 3D Text plug-in — Edit menu > Plugins > 3D Text Get Started What follows is “Best Practice” but you do you * Drag the Empty_Project folder to your main Content folder and select Copy* Rename that […]
Opening Sequence Video
Animated the previz to show the first thirty seconds of the movie. Click through, make it full screen and turn the sound up for the great music!
Tiger Stripes Wetsuit
ERLAN (20), a hardy but poor local explorer in an old tiger-striped wetsuit, uses his wrist band TORC to take photographs of the foyer.
Tiger Stripes
Several flashes come from within the foyer. The flashes reveal tiger-stripes on something moving inside.
Protecting Angels
…The Angels surround it.
Under Construction
After this point the storyboards are work-in-progress stills from scenes in the rest of Act 1.
[Storyboard not ready] The saboteur puts a black box into the panel, activates it and closes it up.
Sholdan, Sovda and Erlan walk along a mezzanine that overlooks a training area filled with mortals practising combat situations. There are several office doors.
Sojucul Flying Boat
There is the rumble of BIG JET ENGINES over everything and a much larger, silvery, oil-stained flying boat flies overhead — obviously a converted bomber — belching dark exhaust fumes. Rauk and Quetro are transfixed.
The elevator doors open and Quetro heads off down a corridor by himself. A small crowd of senior officers greet Rauk and Nezafeli but ignore Sovda and Erlan. The two stand and wait to be told what to do or where to go but the crowd has surrounded the others. Without warning, the crowd moves […]
Gleaming Starliner
The gleaming starliner looks like a missile and is being loaded with cargo. Over the speakers, a band plays the Demos anthem. Erlan and his parents are at the entrance. Erlan’s mother is hugging him and crying. Erlan’s father looks at his son with concern.
A Walk In The Park
This is where Erlan meets the mortals for the first time on Suda space station. Early previz below.
Suda Is Big
The Astronaut
We pull back to reveal an ASTRONAUT with a green leaf emblem on her suit.
The Production
Production Company The movie previz and this site are currently are being put together by ClassiQ Ltd and a dedicated company will be started for the main production. Production Phases Initial Investment Small team produces previs in Unreal Engine for entire project Preproduction Previs used to decide level of investmentBudget level used to decide approach […]
About the movie
Home Star Log Line: They say the dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid — what if it wasn’t an accident?Previous Log Line: An adventure to another solar system is undone by envy, treachery and a lust for power that threatens the home star. (Replaced after the movie trailer for “65” made a similar dinosaur extinction […]
Why Unreal Engine?
The tool is used by many large production companies and allows for a straight line from initial ideas through previz to final production. In other words, nothing is wasted or thrown away. A set or scene can be roughed-out by the production team for the previz and passed directly to the effects and art teams […]
The First of Three
Three of the Sojucul gunships edge out of the smoke at Suda station.
The shuttle’s engines are off before it leaves the smoke at over one thousand kilometres per hour…
Making a run for it
The Angels surround the Salaminia.
Demos Angel
This is the Angel, the main fighter of the Demos. Don’t be fooled, she’s big — over 30M long — with room for troops or cargo in a hold between the massive engines.
Angel at 11 O’Clock High
An early preview of the good guys’ main fighter.
Gunship Work In Progress
The bad guys are coming! This is my current take on the Sojucul Gunships. The previous version was a little too much like a Dornier Do 31. The design was influenced by several other 60s-era aircraft and spacecraft. Its engines are powerful enough to push it into orbit and the nose is shaped so air […]
Starliner Goes Up
The brakes release and the starliner accelerates down the runway. In five seconds it is in the air. The landing gear retracts and the flames behind extend.
This is the old starliner about to make its last flight before it becomes a museum piece on Suda.
Sovda Yoldemeker
One of Doctor Nezafeli’s brightest students with a keen interest in argiculture. But maybe the doctor has been too much on an influence on her.
Commodore Rauk
A dedicated career naval officer who rose through the ranks of the marines and puts duty above everything.
Told Metin about Professor Tymbra’s politics club after he joined a “protest” and got to stick the boot in to the police.
An activist in Professor Tymbra’s politics club. He only joined so he had an excuse to beat people up.
Erlan Joromi
A broke local risking his life to scrape together money for his family.
Professor Tymbra
He found a way to get on the mission. All he has to do is kill our hero.
Years of training ended with a single shot.
Home Planet
The planet is all blue ocean flecked with cloud except below the station where the volcano Demos reaches into space, its continent-sized apron the only land in sight.
Big and Small
We rise and the station is silhouetted by the planet below. We pull away until the station becomes a dot; a tiny two kilometres across above the planet’s eighteen thousand.
He unclips the astronaut’s tether and pushes the dead woman away into space.
A Shot Without A Sound
…who puts a gun against her helmet and fires.
A Shadowy Figure
She turns and comes face-to-face with a SABOTEUR…
Another Day in the Office
Bad News Comes In Threes
…and two thugs from his politics club — GALIP and METIN.
The Professor
Aboard are a firebrand PROFESSOR…
Caha Owl
In the sky above the sea, the space station is a daylight star. A mechanical caha owl…
Not A Wall
She rotates and the wall becomes the surface of an asteroid.
A Thick-Gloved Hand
A thick-gloved hand reaches into a service panel in a rocky wall.
The Spirit
If we converted the entire Spirit using fusion, we’d need ten trillion more like her to power us. Instead, the engines scavenge the fuel we need from underneath the fabric of space itself. The shuttle passes the engines towards the centre of the asteroid and heads for the dock.
Salaminia on Approach
The shuttle gets closer, a tiny speck as it heads between two of the Spirit’s six-kilometre-tall engines.
Shuttle Salaminia
The shuttle Salaminia never enters the atmosphere so is not even slightly aerodynamic. It is covered in small passenger modules that act as cabins but double as escape capsules. There are also larger, spherical freight containers attached behind the passengers.
Salaminia Passenger Module
The shuttle Salaminia never enters the atmosphere so is not even slightly aerodynamic. It is covered in small passenger modules that act as cabins but double as escape capsules. There are also larger, spherical freight containers attached behind the passengers.
Suda Station
An asteroid passes a kilometre beyond the dead woman. Then another. And another. They are connected by tubes. She floats away from the centre of a space station two kilometres across and made from asteroids.